Services & Fees

Financial Planning

Where to begin?? Let us lead the way….

Our Comprehensive Plan is designed to give you “Peace of Mind”

The Comprehensive Financial Plan we will produce for you is designed to give you a clear road map to follow for your financial future.


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Financial Plan Inputs Include

  • Assets – Investments, Insurance, Personal, and Real Estate
  • Savings- Annual savings needed to achieve your goals
  • Financial Goals – Retirement spending, 2nd home purchase, college funding, inheritance for children etc…
  • Retirement Income- Social Security, pensions etc

Data Gathering Client Meeting


LWM Prepares a Draft Plan


LWM and Client Plan Review.  Discuss multiple scenarios to consider.


LWM to prepare Final Plan Document showing outcomes of various scenarios.

Investment Management

Once a financial plan is complete, we explore with clients an appropriate investment strategy.  The most important decision to make before constructing an investment portfolio is to decide a portfolio’s percentage allocation of stocks, bonds, and cash/money markets.  This “Asset Allocation” decision determines in excess of 90% of a portfolio’s return prospects and risk.


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The Investment Policy Statement “IPS” – The IPS is a document outlining:

  • Asset Allocation
  • Risk Tolerance
  • Tax Considerations
  • Cash Needs

IPS documents are prepared by pension funds, endowment funds, and other institutional investors. The IPS enables LWM and clients to keep on a long-term path and not react emotionally to periodic swings of the markets.

We use a combination of funds, stocks, bonds and money market funds when constructing investment portfolios

Portfolio Strategies

Aggressive Growth
  • Equity/stocks:  85-95%
  • Bonds/Fixed Income: 0-15%
  • Cash Money Markets 5-15%
Conservative Long-Term Growth
  • Equity/stocks:  60-75%
  • Bonds/Fixed Income:  0-35%
  • Cash/Money Markets: 5-40%
Equity Income
  • Equity/stocks:  50-65%
  • Bonds/Fixed income: 0-45%
  • Cash Money Markets: 5-50%


We charge an Investment Advisory Fee equal to a % of Assets Under Management.  We receive no other fees, commissions, or financial remuneration for our services.

Clients know when we buy or sell an investment, we have no financial incentive to do so other than to do what is in the best interest of our clients.

Our advisory fees are based on assets under management and are billed monthly. Fees are deducted directly from client accounts held at their custodian.

We do not charge an investment advisory fee on client assets that are not actively managed.  For example, if a client holds a large position in a stock with a low-cost basis and intends to hold the stock for the long term, we exclude this stock from our investment advisory fee calculation and assessment.

Fee Schedule

Asset Values % Fee
Fees on first $500,000 1.00%
Fees on incremental $500,001 - $1,000,000 0.95%
Fees on incremental $1,000,001 - $2,000,0000.85%
Fees on incremental greater than $2,00,001 Negotiable


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